Modules Framework

Reserved Modules

hostray project reserves the directories named controller, component, and unit_test as the modules of functionalities, rest apis, and unit testing cases. It’s very similar to how python recognizes the packages, hostray load the modules with the directory contains that defines specific type enum.

For example, the component module of hello project created in Getting Start, the directory hierarchy looks like:


In, it defines the subclass of ComponentTypes. ComponentTypes is a customized subclass of Eunm class. Its value is a tuple stores (key, package, class_or_function) for hostray maps the component configurations in server_config.yaml with the component classes should be imported. The code of looks like:

from hostray.web.component import ComponentTypes

class HelloComponentTypes(ComponentTypes):
    Hello = ('hello', 'hello', 'HelloComponent')

In, it defines the HelloComponent inherits from Component class, the code looks like:

from hostray.web.component import Component
from . import HelloComponentTypes

class HelloComponent(Component):
    def init(self, component_manager, p1, *arugs, **kwargs) -> None:
        print('init Hello component load from', __package__, 'and the parameters p1:', p1)

    def hello(self):
        return 'Hello World, This is hostray generate hello component'

In server_config.yaml, add the key ‘hello’ under component block. That tells hostray load HelloComponent when starting api server:

# in server_config.yaml

name: hostray Server
port: 8888
debug: False
        p1: 'This is p1'

Make Project’s Modules Work

Briefly lists the things should be done for each reserved module:

Configuration Validator

hostray provides configurations validator checks the build-in components and controllers. The validator is extendable to validate project extended components and controllers, and the following example shows how to add validator of hello project’s HelloComponent.

# in of project's component module

from hostray.web.component import ComponentTypes

from hostray.web.config_validator import ConfigContainerMeta, ConfigElementMeta, HostrayWebConfigComponentValidator

# add hello validator to component config validator
    ConfigContainerMeta('hello', False,
        ConfigElementMeta('p1', str, True) # validate HelloComponent's 'p1' argument is required and string type

class HelloComponentTypes(ComponentTypes):
    Hello = ('hello', 'hello', 'HelloComponent')